1. 复合材料增材制造:以工程化应用为目标,开展基础科学和关键技术研究,提出增材制造工程化系统解决方案,包括原理创新、材料设计、工艺调控、装备研发、系统集成等。
2. 有机共轭光电材料:以基础研究为主,包括有机共轭聚合物的分子设计、高效制备、光电特性调控,及其在聚合物有机太阳能电池、有机场效应晶体管等方面的潜在应用。
1. Linker Effects on Optoelectronic Properties of Alternate Donor-Acceptor Conjugated Polymers. Energy & Environmental Science, 2011, 第一作者
2. Thieno[3,4-c]Pyrrole-4,6-Dione and Dithiophene Based Conjugated Polymer for Organic Field Effect Transistors: High Mobility Induced by Synergic Effect of H-Bond and Vinyl Linkage. Macromol. Rapid. Commun., 2016,通讯作者
3. Poly(naphthalene diimide) vinylene: solid state red emission and semiconducting properties for transistors, Chem. Comm., 2017,通讯作者
4. Multi-vinyl linked benzothiadiazole conjugated polymers: high performance, low crystalline material for transistors, Chem. Comm., 2017,通讯作者
5. Effects of auxiliary heat on warpage and mechanical properties in carbon fiber/ABS composite manufactured by fused deposition modeling, Materials and Design, 2020,通讯作者
6. Characterization of thermally treated polypropylene powders with wide sintering window for powder bed fusion of polymers, ?Polymer Testing, 2021,通讯作者
7. Fused filament fabrication of polymer materials: A review of interlayer bond, Additive Manufacturing, 2021,通讯作者2013.01-2015.12,有机共轭聚合物光电性质的研究,中科院人才计划项目,主持
2017.01-2020.12, 3D复合技术,预研项目,主持
2019.01-2022.12,“绿智新材”人工智能+学科建设项目,主持中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院 版权所有京ICP备05002857号渝公网安备50010943035号