主持科技部国家重点研发计划、国家自然基金面上、重庆市“杰出青年”基金等10余个项目,在Nat. Comm., Nano Lett., ACS Nano等期刊发表文章60余篇,授权发明专利20余项。
1. Hao Jiang, Jingxuan Wei, Feiying Sun, Changbin Nie, Jintao Fu, Haofei Shi, Jiuxun Sun*, Xingzhan Wei*, and Cheng-Wei Qiu*, Enhanced Photogating Effect in Graphene Photodetectors via Potential Fluctuation Engineering. ACS Nano, 16, 4458-4466, 2022.
2. Jun Yang, Linlong Tang, Wei Luo, Shuanglong Feng, Chongqian Leng, Haofei Shi*, and Xingzhan Wei*, Interface Engineering of a Silicon/Graphene Heterojunction Photodetector via a Diamond-Like Carbon Interlayer, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 3, 4692–4702, 2021
3. HaoJiang, Jintao Fu, Changbin Nie, Feiying Sun, Linlong Tang, Jiuxun Sun*, Meng Zhu, Jun Shen, Shuanglong Feng, Haofei Shi*, and Xingzhan Wei*, Gate modulation enhanced position-sensitive detectors using graphene/silicon-on-insulator structure, Carbon, 184, 445-451, 2021.
4. Chan Yang, Shuanglong Feng, Linlong Tang, Jun Shen, Xingzhan Wei* and Haofei Shi*, “Electrochemical Epitaxial Grown PbS Nanorods Array on Graphene Film for High‐Performance Photodetector” Advanced Materials Interfaces, 8, 2001464,2021
5. Yuxi Dou, Ziwen Liu, Wu, Zhengli Wu, Liu, Yifan Liu, Jing Li, Leng, Chongqian Leng, De Fang, Guijie Liang, Junyan Xiao, Wei Li, Xingzhan Wei, Fuzhi Huang, Yibing Cheng, and Jie Zhong*, “Self-augmented ion blocking of sandwiched 2D/1D/2D electrode for solution processed high efficiency semitransparent perovskite solar cell,” Nano Energy, 71, 104567, 2020.
6. Hao Jiang, Changbin Nie, Jintao Fu, Linlong Tan, Jun Shen, Feiying Sun, Jiuxun Sun*, Meng Zhu, Shuanglong Feng, Yang Liu, Haofei Shi* and Xingzhan Wei*, “Ultrasensitive and fast photoresponse in graphene/silicon-on-insulator hybrid structure by manipulating the photogating effect” Nanophotonics, 9(11), 3663–3672, 2020.
7. Jialu Li, Changbin Nie, Feiying Sun, Linlong Tang, Zijing Zhang, Jiandong Zhang, Yuan Zhao, Jun Shen, Shuanglong Feng, Haofei Shi*, and Xingzhan Wei*, “Enhancement of the Photoresponse of Monolayer MoS2 Photodetectors Induced by a Nanoparticle Grating” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (7), 8429-8436, 2020.
8 Jianing Lu, Shaoding Liu, Sean SE Collins, Linlong Tang, Xingzhan Wei*, and Paul Mulvaney*, “Fabrication of a Three-Dimensional Plasmon Ruler Using an Atomic Force Microscope” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (32), 19871-19878, 2019.
9. Jun Yang, Linlong Tang, Wei Luo, Jun Shen, Dahua Zhou, Shuanglong Feng, Xingzhan Wei*, and Haofei Shi*, “Light Trapping in Conformal Graphene/Silicon Nanoholes for High-Performance Photodetectors”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (33), 30421-30429, 2019.
10. Wei Yao, Linlong Tang, Jun Wang*, Chunhui Ji, Xingzhan Wei*, and Yadong Jiang, “Spectrally and Spatially Tunable Terahertz Metasurface Lens Based on Graphene Surface Plasmons”, IEEE Photonics Journal, 10, 4, 2018.
(2)低维材料光电探测芯片研究,重庆市杰出青年基金项目, 2019.6-2021.12,主持。