2011年获四川大学博士学位,2011-2012年江苏大学材料学院助理研究员,2012-2016年美国伊利诺伊理工大学化学系博士后,2017年美国俄亥俄州立大学药学院博士后。2018年通过中国科学院率先行动高层次青年人才引进计划,加入中国科学院重庆研究院,任中国科学院大学研究生导师,肝胆胰疾病智慧诊疗工程重庆市重点实验室学术带头人。2019年入选(首批)重庆英才 青年拔尖人才、2022年当选第7届重庆市北碚区“十大杰出青年”、2023年当选“重庆青年科技创新先锋人物”。近年主要从事纳米孔单分子传感技术与方法,聚焦生物分子检测以及生物化学反应与生物物理过程的精确测量。目前,围绕研究方向已获批主持多项国家级和省部级项目,包括:中国科学院率先行动“百人计划”人才培育项目、国家自然科学基金项目、科技部国家重点研发计划子课题、重庆市自然科学基金和创新创业支持计划等项目;在Small Methods 、Biosensors Bioelectronics 、 Trends in Analytical Chemistry 、ACS Sensors、 Analytical Chemistry等国际期刊发表论文40余篇,申请发明专利10余项,授权5项。
2019年,重庆英才 青年拔尖人才
1.Xiaohan Chen, Shuo Zhou, Yunjiao Wang, Ling Zheng, Sarah Guan, Deqiang Wang, Liang Wang* and Xiyun Guan*. Nanopore single-molecule analysis of biomarkers: Providing possible clues to disease diagnosis. Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 2023. 162. 117060. (IF14.91)
2.Shaoxia Zhang, Yunjiao Wang, Dandan Song, Sarah Guan, Daming Zhou, Linyu Gong, Liyuan Liang, Xiyun Guan* and Liang Wang*. Nanopore discrimination and sensitive plasma detection of multiple natriuretic peptides: The representative biomarker of human heart failure. Biosensors Bioelectronics. 2023. 231. 115299. (IF12.6)
3.Dandan Song, Yunjiao Wang, Shaoxia Zhang, Lingyu Zhao, Linyu Gong, Liyuan Liang and Liang Wang*. Single-molecule Measurement of Carbonic Anhydrase in Cation Coordinated Environment Using MspA Nanopore. Chinese Journal of Chemistry. 2023. 41. 1341-1347. (cover story)
4. Minghan Li, Shanchuan Chen, Yunjiao Wang, Shaoxia Zhang, Dandan Song, Rong Tian, Jia Geng, Liang Wang.* Label-free high-precise nanopore detection of endopeptidase activity of anthrax lethal factor regulated by diverse conditions. Biosensors Bioelectronics. 2023. 219. 114800. (IF12.6)
5.Wei Li, Yunjiao Wang, Yicen Xiao, Minghan Li, Qianshan Liu, Liyuan Liang, Wanyi Xie, Deqiang Wang*, Xiyun Guan*, and Liang Wang*. Simultaneous Dual-Site Identification of 5mC/8oG in DNA Triplex Using a Nanopore Sensor. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces. 2022. 14. 32948. (IF 10.38, cover story)
6.Liang Wang, Han Wang, Xiaohan Chen, Shuo Zhou, Yunjiao Wang, * and Xiyun Guan*. Chemistry solutions to facilitate nanopore detection and analysis. Biosensors Bioelectronics. 2022. 213. 114448. (IF12.6)
7.Yicen Xiao, Juansheng Ren, Yunjiao Wang, Xiaohan Chen, Shuo Zhou, Minghan Li, Fangyuan Gao, Liyuan Liang, Deqiang Wang, Guangjun Ren* and Liang Wang *. De novo Profiling of Insect-resistant Proteins of Rice via Nanopore Peptide Differentiation. Biosensors Bioelectronics. 2022. 212. 114415. (IF12.6)
8.Han Wang, Wenli Huang, Yunjiao Wang, Wei Li, qianshan liu, Bohua Yin, Liyuan Liang, Deqiang Wang, Xiyun Guan*, Liang Wang*. Enzyme hinders HIV-1 Tat viral transport and real-time measured with nanopores. ACS Sensors. 2021. 6. 3781. (IF 9.6, cover invitation)
9.Golbarg Mohammadi Roozbahani, Xiaohan Chen, Youwen Zhang, Liang Wang* and Xiyun Guan*. Nanopore Detection of Metal Ions: Current Status and Future Directions. Small Methods. 2020. 4. 2000266. (IF15.1)
1.水稻抗褐飞虱基因编码SCR蛋白在跨膜通道中迁移的研究。国家自然科学基金项目 2019-2021。主持
2.基于纳米孔技术的生物分子单分子检测研究。中国科学院青年人才项目 2018-2020。主持
3.重庆英才 青年拔尖人才。2019-2022。 主持