[1].Chen, Y.W.,. Xu, L.q, and B. Yi, Early recognition of risk of critical adverse events based on deep neural decision gradient boosting. Frontiers in Public Health, 2023. 10 https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.1065707.【SCI,IF:6.461,2区,论文基于深度神经决策梯度提升网络预测危重症不良事件风险】
[2].Chen, Y.W., Liu J . Polynomial dendritic neural networks[J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 34, 11571–11588 (2022). 【SCI, IF:5.606,2区,论文提出多项式树突神经网络可解释性对危重症进行风险预测】
[3].Chen, Y.W., Zhong,K.H., Zhu.Y.Z.T., and Sun.Q.L.,Two-stage hemoglobin prediction based on prior causality. Frontiers in Public Health, 2022. 10: p. 12 https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.1079389. 【SCI, IF:6.461,2区,基于先验因果性两阶段预测围术期患者血红蛋白浓度】
[4].Chen, Y.W., Zhu, Y., K. Zhong, Z. Yang, Y. Li, X. Shu, D. Wang, P. Deng, X. Bai, J. Gu, K. Lu, J. Zhang, L. Zhao, T. Zhu, K. Wei, and B. Yi, Optimization of anesthetic decision-making in ERAS using Bayesian network. Frontiers in Medicine 2022. 9【SCI, IF:5.058,2区,基于贝叶斯网络优化麻醉医疗决策干预】
[5].Chen, Y.W , Qin X , Zhang L , et al. A Novel Method of Heart Failure Prediction Based on DPCNN-XGBOOST Model[J]. Computers, Materials and Continua, 2020, 65(1):495-510.【SCI, IF:3.860,2区,基于深度金字塔卷积神经网络和XGBOOST预测围术期心衰风险】
[6].Chen, Y.W., Zhang J , Qin X L . Interpretable instance disease prediction based on causal feature selection and effect analysis[J]. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2022, 22(1):1-14. 【SCI, IF:3.298,基于因果特征选择和效应分析可解释性预测疾病】
[7].Chen, Y.W. and B. Qi, Representation learning in intraoperative vital signs for heart failure risk prediction. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 2019. 19(1): p. 260-260. 【SCI, IF:3.298,基于表示学习利用术中监护数据预测心衰风险】
[8].Chen, Y.W, Li YJ, Deng P, Yang ZY, Zhong KH, Zhang LG, Chen Y, Zhi HY, Hu XY, Gu JT, Ning JL, Lu KZ, Zhang J, Xia ZY, Qin XL, Yi B. Learning to predict in-hospital mortality risk in the intensive care unit with attention-based temporal convolution network. BMC Anesthesiol. 2022 Apr 23;22(1):119.【SCI, IF:2.376,基于时序注意力机制卷积网络预测危重症住院死亡】
[9].Chen, Y.W., Zhang, J., Wang, P. , Hu, Z.Y., and Zhong, K.H., Convolutional-de-convolutional neural networks for recognition of surgical workflow. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2022. 16: p. 【SCI, IF:3.387,基于卷积与反卷积智能识别手术流程】
[10].Li YJ, Zhong KH, Bai XH, Tang X, Li P, Yang ZY, Zhi HY, Li XJ, Chen Y, Deng P, Qin XL, Gu JT, Ning JL, Lu KZ, Zhang J, Xia ZY, Chen, Y.W, Yi B. A Simple and Quick Screening Method for Intrapulmonary Vascular Dilation in Cirrhotic Patients Based on Machine Learning. J Clin Transl Hepatol. 2021 Oct 28;9(5):682-689. doi: 10.14218/JCTH.2020.00184. 【SCI, IF:5.065,2区,基于机器学习设计一种快速便捷肺内血管扩张的的识别方法】
[11].Huang ,W, Chen, Y.W, Wang, P., Liu, X., and Liu, S., An Interpretable Temporal Convolutional Network Model for Acute Kidney Injury Prediction in the Intensive Care Unit, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2021, pp. 3021-3028. 【BIBM会议,基于时序卷积网络的可解释性急性肾损伤重症预测】
[12].Li YJ, Zhang LG, Zhi HY, Zhong KH, He WQ, Chen Y, Yang ZY, Chen L, Bai XH, Qin XL, Li DF,Wang DD, Gu JT, Ning JL, Lu KZ, Zhang J, Xia ZY, Chen YW, Yi B. A better method for the dynamic, precise estimating of blood/haemoglobin loss based on deep learning of artificial intelligence. Annals of Translational Medicine,2020;8(19):1219. doi: 10.21037/atm-20-1806.
[13].Baolian Qi, Xiaolin Qin, Jia Liu, Yang Xu, Chen, Y.W. A Deep Architecture for Surgical Workflow Recognition with Edge Information, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), San Diego, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 1358-1364. 18-21 Nov. 2019
[14].Sun L., Cao Q., Chen Y.W., Zheng Y. H., Wu Z.b., Mixed noise removal for hyperspectral images based on global tensor low-rankness and non-local SVD-aided group sparsity, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3257851.
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国家重点研发计划课题:云端融合的多模态数据交互意图理解(子课题:陈芋文,135万,2016YFB1001404, 2016.6-2020.6)